CASTAC Member Bibliography

Curious about what our members are writing about? Check out these publications by our members. Are you a member and want to share your publication? Email the web producer with the citation or complete the publication submission form in your Assemblage profile.


Bekshaev, A., Marat Samuilovich Soskin, and M. Vasnetsov. 2008. Paraxial Light Beams with Angular Momentum. Nova Science Publishers.

Chacko, Xan Sarah. 2018. “When Life Gives You Lemons: Frank Meyer, Authority, and Credit in Early Twentieth-Century Plant Hunting.” History of Science; an Annual Review of Literature, Research and Teaching, July, 73275318784124.

———. 2019. “Care of the Species: Races of Corn and the Science of Plant Biodiversity.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 42 (8): 1364–66.

Genovese, Taylor R. 2018. “‘Death Is a Disease’: Cryopreservation, Neoliberalism, and Temporal Commodification in the U.S.” Technology in Society 54 (August): 52–56.

Lange, Christoph. 2018. “Interspecies Performance.” In The Situationality of Human-Animal Relations, 143–66. transcript Verlag.

———. 2019. “The Making and Remaking of the Arabian Horse–from the Arab Bedouin Horse to the Modern Straight Egyptian 1.” In Horse Breeds and Human Society, 234–50. Routledge.

Mialet, Hélène. 2008. L’entreprise créatrice: Le rôle des récits, des objets et de l’acteur dans l’invention. Lavoisier.

———. 2012. Hawking Incorporated: Stephen Hawking and the Anthropology of the Knowing Subject. University of Chicago Press.

Murray, Laura. 2018. “To Protect and Improve: Developing the ‘Sacred Cow’ in India.” Anthropology Now 10 (1): 13–24.

Technology, Media, & Digital Anthropology

Artz, Matt. 2023. “Ten Predictions for AI and the Future of Anthropology.” Anthropology News. May 8, 2023.

———. 2024a. “Introduction.” In EmTech Anthropology: Careers at the Frontier, edited by Matt Artz and Lora Koycheva. New York: Routledge.

———. 2024b. “Reimagining Recommender Systems: Towards a More Equitable Model for Creators.” In EmTech Anthropology: Careers at the Frontier, edited by Matt Artz and Lora Koycheva. New York: Routledge.

Barnard, Jason, and Matt Artz. 2023. “Search Marketing in the Age of AI: Understanding the Marketing Implications of Search, Assistive and Answer Engines.” Journal of Digital & Social Media Marketing 11 (3): 244.

Beane, Matt, and Wanda J. Orlikowski. 2015. “What Difference Does a Robot Make? The Material Enactment of Distributed Coordination.” Organization Science 26 (6): 1553–73.

Beane, Matthew. 2019. “Shadow Learning: Building Robotic Surgical Skill When Approved Means Fail.” Administrative Science Quarterly 64 (1): 87–123.

Biehl, João, and Naomi Zucker. 2015. “The Masked Anthropologist.” HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 5 (2): 367–74.

Flamenbaum, Rachel, Manduhai Buyandelger, Greg Downey, Orin Starn, Catalina Laserna, Shreeharsh Kelkar, Carolyn Rouse, and Tom Looser. 2014. “Anthropology in and of MOOCs.” American Anthropologist 116 (4): 829–38.

“From Machine Learning to Machine Knowing: A Digital Anthropology Approach for the Machine Interpretation of Cultures.” 2023.

Hipp, John R., Christopher Bates, Moshe Lichman, and Padhraic Smyth. 2019. “Using Social Media to Measure Temporal Ambient Population: Does It Help Explain Local Crime Rates?” Justice Quarterly: JQ / Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences 36 (4): 718–48.

Hjorth, Larissa, Heather Horst, Anne Galloway, and Genevieve Bell. 2017. The Routledge Companion to Digital Ethnography. Routledge.

Jili, Bulelani. 2022. “Africa: Regulate Surveillance Technologies and Personal Data.” Nature 607 (7919): 445–48.

Kraemer, Jordan. 2014. “Friend or Freund: Social Media and Transnational Connections in Berlin.” Human–Computer Interaction 29 (1): 53–77.

———. 2018. “Of Spargel and Spiegel: Networked National Feelings in Berlin.” Anthropological Quarterly 91 (4): 1385–1416.

Lange, Patricia G. 2006. “What Is Your Claim to Flame?” First Monday, September.

———. 2011a. “Learning Real-Life Lessons From Online Games.” Games and Culture 6 (1): 17–37.

———. 2011b. “Video-Mediated Nostalgia and the Aesthetics of Technical Competencies.” Visual Communication 10 (1): 25–44.

———. 2014a. Kids on YouTube: Technical Identities and Digital Literacies. Left Coast Press.

———. 2014b. “Commenting on YouTube Rants: Perceptions of Inappropriateness or Civic Engagement?” Journal of Pragmatics 73 (November): 53–65.

———. 2015a. “Vlogging Toward Digital Literacy.” Biography 38 (2): 297–302.

———. 2015b. “Typing Your Way to Technical Identity: Interpreting Participatory Ideologies Online.” Pragmatics 25 (4): 553–72.

———. 2019. Thanks for Watching: An Anthropological Study of Video Sharing on YouTube. University Press of Colorado.

Murray, Laura. 2019. “Around India with a Movie Camera Sandhya Suri, Dir. 76 Mins. Hindi, Urdu, and English. New York: Icarus Films, 2018.” American Anthropologist 121 (4): 943–44.

Nemer, David. 2013. Favela Digital: The other side of technology / O outro lado da tecnologia. GSA Grafica e Editora.

Page, Richard. 2012. “Leveling Up: Playerkilling as Ethical Self-Cultivation.” Games and Culture 7 (3): 238–57.

Reddy, Elizabeth, Baki Cakici, and Andrea Ballestero. 2019. “Beyond Mystery: Putting Algorithmic Accountability in Context.” Big Data & Society 6 (1): 2053951719826856.

Rodwell, Elizabeth A. 2021a. “The Machine without the Ghost: Early Interactive Television in Japan.” Convergence, January, 1354856520983754.

———. 2021b. “Open Access, Closed Systems: Independent Online Journalism in Japan.” Information, Communication and Society, October, 1–18.

Sanders, Todd, and Elizabeth F. Sanders. 2021. “Openness.” In Words and Worlds, 205–24. Duke University Press.

Sanjek, Roger, and Susan W. Tratner. 2016. EFieldnotes: The Makings of Anthropology in the Digital World. University of Pennsylvania Press.

Seaver, Nick. 2015. “The Nice Thing about Context Is That Everyone Has It.” Media Culture & Society 37 (7): 1101–9.

Taylor, Nicole, and Mimi Nichter. 2021. A Filtered Life: Social Media on a College Campus. Routledge.

Taylor, Nicole, Louie Dean Valencia-García, Angela VandenBroek, Ashley Stinnett, and Alejandro Allen. 2023. “Ethics and Images in Social Media Research.” First Monday 28 (4).

Taylor, Nicole, and Angela VandenBroek. 2024. “Penciling: An Anonymization Method for Social Media Images.” Field Methods, June, 1525822X241259941.

VandenBroek, Angela Kristin. 2015. “Tweeting Sweden: Technological Solutionism,# RotationCuration, and the World’s Most Democratic Twitter Account.” Interface 1 (1): 1–37.

Anthropology & Academia

Kremakova, Milena. 2017. “Accelerating Academia: The Changing Structure of Academic Time.” International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 31 (2): 221–24.

Meek, Laura A., and Julia Alejandra Morales Fontanilla. 2022. “Otherwise.” Feminist Anthropology 3 (2): 274–83.

Murphy, Fiona, Taylor R. Genovese, Vivian Gornik, Jeffrey Omari, Steven G. Harris, Rebecca Prinster, Ipsita Dey, and Monesha Carter. 2017. “Anthropology Matters! In Brief.” Anthropology News 58 (6): e127–39.

Reddy, Elizabeth, Gordon Hoople, and Austin Choi-Fitzpatrick. 2019. “Interdisciplinarity in Practice: Reflections on Drones as a Classroom Boundary Object.” Engineering Studies 11 (1): 51–64.

Rodwell, Elizabeth A. 2021. “A Pedagogy of Its Own: Building A UX Research Program.” Practicing Anthropology 43 (2): 17–21.

Sanders, Todd. 2016. “The Pendulum Swings.” HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 6 (1): 493–98.

Thorkelson, Eli. 2008. “The Silent Social Order of the Theory Classroom.” Social Epistemology 22 (2): 165–96.

———. 2016a. “The Infinite Rounds of the Stubborn: Reparative Futures at a French Political Protest.” Cultural Anthropology 31 (4): 493–519.

———. 2016b. “Precarity Outside: The Political Unconscious of French Academic Labor.” American Ethnologist 43 (3): 475–87.

Multimodal Anthropology

Artz, Matt. 2022. “Business Anthropology, Podcasting, and the Pandemic.” Journal of Business Anthropology 11 (1): 8–15.

Genovese, Taylor R. 2019. “Going Gonzo: Toward a Performative Practice in Multimodal Ethnography.” Entanglements 2 (1): 97–110.

Environment & Climate Change

Davis, Janae, Alex A. Moulton, Levi Van Sant, and Brian Williams. 2019. “Anthropocene, Capitalocene, … Plantationocene?: A Manifesto for Ecological Justice in an Age of Global Crises.” Geography Compass 13 (5): e12438.

Doyle, Briohny. 2016. The Island Will Sink. Brow Books.

Hall, Elizabeth F., and Todd Sanders. 2015. “Accountability and the Academy: Producing Knowledge about the Human Dimensions of Climate Change.” The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 21 (2): 438–61.

Moulton, Alex A., and Mario R. Machado. 2019. “Bouncing Forward After Irma and Maria: Acknowledging Colonialism, Problematizing Resilience and Thinking Climate Justice.” Journal of Extreme Events 06 (01): 1940003.

Moulton, Alex A., and Jeff Popke. 2017. “Greenhouse Governmentality: Protected Agriculture and the Changing Biopolitical Management of Agrarian Life in Jamaica.” Environment and Planning. D, Society & Space 35 (4): 714–32.

Taber, Peter. 2017. “Infrastructures of Environmental Governance.” Anthropology Today 33 (6): 16–20.

Medicine & Health

Artz, Matt. 2021. “How to Improve Consumer DNA Tests.” Anthropology News 61 (1): 24.

Artz, Matt, Doug Henry, and Carolina Severiche Mena. 2023. “Consumer Genetics: What about Informed Consent?” Human Organization 82 (4): 394–404.

Carnes, Mary, Angela VandenBroek, and Emily K. Brunson. 2024. “Human Centered Design for Applied Anthropology.” Annals of Anthropological Practice, August.

Conrad, Patricia A., Laura A. Meek, and Joe Dumit. 2013. “Operationalizing a One Health Approach to Global Health Challenges.” Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 36 (3): 211–16.

Ford, Andrea. 2020. “Birthing from Within: Nature, Technology, and Self-Making in Silicon Valley Childbearing.” Cultural Anthropology: Journal of the Society for Cultural Anthropology 35 (4): 602–30.

Ford, Andrea, Giulia de Togni, and Livia Miller. 2021. “Hormonal Health: Period Tracking Apps, Wellness, and Self-Management in the Era of Surveillance Capitalism.” Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 7 (1): 48–66.

Haruyama, Justin, Laura Meek, and Ria Sinha. 2020a. “Going Viral in Hong Kong.” Anthropology News, March.

———. 2020b. “Going Viral in Hong Kong.” Anthropology News Website (blog). March 3, 2020.

Lee, Jia Hui, Laura A. Meek, and Jacob Katumusiime Mwine-Kyarimpa. 2021. “Contested Truths over COVID-19 in Africa: Introduction.” Somatosphere (blog). March 17, 2021.

Meek, L. A., J. H. Lee, and Jacob Katumusiime Mwine-Kyarimpa. 2021. “Contested Truths over COVID-19 in Africa: Introduction.” Somatosphere.

Meek, Laura. 2018a. “Pharmaceutical Capacities in the Context of Radical Uncertainty in Tanzania.” In Proceedings of the Southwestern Anthropological Association, 2017, edited by A. J. Faas, 39–49. San Jose, CA: Southwestern Anthropological Association.

———. 2018b. “Drugs and Uncertainty in Tanzania.” Anthropology News 59 (6).

———. 2018c. “Drugs and Uncertainty in Tanzania.” Anthropology News Website (blog). December 11, 2018.

Meek, Laura A. 2020. “Bibi’s Uchungu: Eating, Bitterness, and Relationality across Indian Ocean Worlds.” In Reimagining Indian Ocean Worlds, 197–211. Routledge.

———. 2021a. “Africa Out of the Shadows: Authoritarian Anti-Imperialism, Transnational Pentecostalism, and Covid-19 ‘Conspiracy Theories.’” In Covid Conspiracy Theories in Global Perspective, 158–71. Routledge.

———. 2021b. “Knowing Better? Epistemological Bounds in MAQ from 1975-2021.” Medical Anthropology Quarterly Website, Reading the Archive Blog Series, Issue 3 (blog). 2021.

———. 2021c. “The Grammar of Leprosy: Temporal Politics and the Impossible Subject.” Medicine Anthropology Theory.

———. 2021d. “Adverse Events: Race, Inequality, and the Testing of New Pharmaceuticals. Jill A. Fisher, New York: NYU Press, 2020, 336 Pp.” Medical Anthropology Quarterly 35 (2).

———. 2021e. “Intersections of Political Power, Religion, and Public Health in Africa: Covid-19, Tanzanian President Magufuli, and Nigerian Prophet TB Joshua.” Somatosphere (blog). November 12, 2021.

———. 2023a. “Chakachua Pharmaceuticals and Fugitive Science.” Medical Anthropology Quarterly, April.

———. 2023b. “The Coloniality of Global Health.” Africa Is A Country (blog). June 2023.

Meek, Laura A., and Julia Alejandra Morales Fontanilla. 2022. “Otherwise.” Feminist Anthropology 3 (2): 274–83.

Meek, Laura A., and Abigail H. Neely. 2023. “Beyond the Limits: Medicine, Healing, and Medical Anthropology.” Medical Anthropology Quarterly, April.

Mena, C. S., M. Artz, and C. Llanten. 2020. “Climate Change and Global Health: A Medical Anthropology Perspective.” Perspectives in Public Health 140 (4): 196–97.

Neely, Abigail H., and Laura A. Meek. 2022. “African Experiments in Health and Healing: Science from the Home and Homestead.” Science, Technology & Human Values, August, 01622439221119882.

Pieroni, Andrea, Ina Vandebroek, Julia Prakofjewa, Rainer W. Bussmann, Narel Y. Paniagua-Zambrana, Alfred Maroyi, Luisa Torri, et al. 2020. “Taming the Pandemic? The Importance of Homemade Plant-Based Foods and Beverages as Community Responses to COVID-19.” Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 16 (1): 75.

Rewegan, Alex. 2024. “Carceral Pharmacology: Historicizing the Sciences of Cannabis and Pregnancy.” The Social History of Alcohol and Drugs, March, 000–000.

Zucker, Naomi. 2017. “Visions of Care: Medicalization and Public Patienthood in Sao Paulo, Brazil.” Anthropology Quarterly 90 (3): 801–30.

Organizations, Business, Work, & Institutions

Artz, Matt. 2022. “Design Anthropology, Algorithmic Bias, Behavioral Capital, and the Creator Economy.” Practicing Anthropology 44 (2): 33–36.

———. 2023. “The Digital Turn in Business Anthropology.” Journal of Business Anthropology 12 (1).

———. 2024. “The Art of Sandboxing.” Practicing Anthropology 46 (1): 63–70.

Bialecki, Jon. 2017. A Diagram for Fire: Miracles and Variation in an American Charismatic Movement. Univ of California Press.

Firat, Bilge. 2019. Diplomacy and Lobbying During Turkey’s Europeanisation: The Private Life of Politics. Manchester University Press.

Gil, Liliana. 2022. “A Fablab at the Periphery: Decentering Innovation from São Paulo.” American Anthropologist 124 (4): 721–33.

———. 2023. “Becoming a Repair Entrepreneur: An Ethnography of Skills Training in Brazil.” Third World Quarterly, 1–18.

Koycheva, Lora, and Angela VandenBroek. 2024. “Sandbox Innovation: Potentials and Impacts.” Practicing Anthropology 46 (1): 36–45.

Kremakova, Milena. 2018. “Making Home on the High Seas: Bulgarian Seafarers between Ship and Shore.” In To Be at Home, 190–98. De Gruyter Oldenbourg.

———. 2019. “Navigating Postsocialism: Bulgarian Seafarers’ Working Lives before and after 1989.” Anthropology of Work Review: AWR 40 (2): 112–21.

Mandel, Savannah. 2016. Honor Thy Consumer. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

McKinnon, Susan, and Fenella Cannell. 2013. Vital Relations: Modernity and the Persistent Life of Kinship. SAR Press, School for Advanced Research Press.

Meek, Thomas H., and Laura A. Meek. 2009. “Increasing Inequality Is Already Making Shortages Worse.” Nature 459 (7243): 31.

Shever, Elana. 2008. “Neoliberal Associations: Property, Company, and Family in the Argentine Oil Fields.” American Ethnologist 35 (4): 701–16.

———. 2010. “Engendering the Company:Corporate Personhood and the ‘Face’ of an Oil Company in Metropolitan Buenos Aires.” Political and Legal Anthropology Review: PoLAR 33 (1): 26–46.

VandenBroek, Angela K. 2022. “Pitching Hype: Storytelling and Entrepreneurship.” In Anthropology and Entrepreneurship – The Current State of Research and Practice, edited by Edward Liebow and Janine Chiappa McKenna, 49–58. Arlington, VA: American Anthropological Association.

VandenBroek, Angela Kristin. 2022. “Like Clockwork: Experts and Expertise in Stockholm’s Startup and Innovation Ecosystem.” Journal of Business Anthropology 11 (2): 168–94.

Infrastructure, Engineering & Urban Anthropology

Arıcan, Alize. 2020. “Behind the Scaffolding: Manipulations of Time, Delays, and Power in Tarlabaşı, Istanbul.” City & Society 32 (3): 482–507.

Brooks, Emily. 2017. “Number Narratives: Abundance, Scarcity, and Sustainability in a California Water World.” Science as Culture 26 (1): 32–55.

Genovese, Taylor R. 2016. “Decolonizing Archival Methodology: Combating Hegemony and Moving towards a Collaborative Archival Environment.” AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples 12 (1): 32–42.

Lu, Flora, Gabriela Valdivia, and Néstor L. Silva. 2016. Oil, Revolution, and Indigenous Citizenship in Ecuadorian Amazonia. Palgrave Macmillan US.

Odgers, Candice L., Avshalom Caspi, Christopher J. Bates, Robert J. Sampson, and Terrie E. Moffitt. 2012. “Systematic Social Observation of Children’s Neighborhoods Using Google Street View: A Reliable and Cost-Effective Method.” Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines 53 (10): 1009–17.

Reddy, Elizabeth. 2018. “‘A World We Don’t Know’: The Spatial Configuration of Sensory Practices and Production of Knowledge in and around Mexican Seismic Monitoring.” Journal of Political Ecology 25 (1): 508.

———. 2020. “Crying ‘Crying Wolf’: How Misfires and Mexican Engineering Expertise Are Made Meaningful.” Ethnos 85 (2): 335–50.

Shever, Elana. 2012. Resources for Reform: Oil and Neoliberalism in Argentina. Stanford University Press.

Srinivas, Smriti, Bettina Ng’weno, and Neelima Jeychandran. 2020. Reimagining Indian Ocean Worlds. Routledge.